Orewa Beach Brands  FAQ’s:

 For Terms & conditions click here 

Q:           Are seats pre- allocated?
A:            No

Q:           Can I bring my own wine / beer?
A:            No, the event space is fully licenced under a special licence.  No BYO is permitted.  Bag checks may be undertaken on arrival at the event.
There is a 24/7 liquor ban outside the event space so no alcohol can be taken outside the event space either

Q:           Is eftpos available?
A:           Yes in fact it is the preferred payment method for drink purchases.

Q:           Can I change my mind once I have booked my seats?
A:            The website is not able to change bookings once they have been confirmed. Please email admin@orewabeach.co.nz

Q:           Can we make a large group booking?
A:            Groups bookings of up to 10 people can be made. Larger groups can be requested pending availability.

Q:           What happens if it rains?
A:            A decision will be made by 5pm on Friday 8th November if the weather looks unsavoury. All guests will be notified by email that the venue will change to the Ramada Orewa (Nautilus) Underground Carpark.

Q:           Where in Orewa is the event being held?
A:            On Moana Reserve, Orewa.

Q:           Can I smoke at the event?
A:            No.  For the comfort of all, this is a 100% non-smoking event.  Smokers must leave the event space to smoke*.  For those choosing to do this, your alcoholic beverage cannot be taken with you.
*the smoking ban includes tobacco products, e-cigarettes and vapes.